Plan it

Brand Story
Visual Branding
Marketing Websites
Marketing & Sales Strategy
Marketing & Sales Program Management

You have a product or a service that you want to sell, and lots of it, and at an optimum price. What you call it, how you talk about it, and how you present it is the difference between people buying your product and service or not.

We’ll help you dig deep to understand your business, audience, and landscape to find the unique story that stands out that people want to buy. 

We’ll then help you put marketing and sales strategies and programs that can reach your audience and convert them to users or customers.


Clever names are easy to understand, are memorable, and are profitable. spent a lot of advertising dollars to communicate what they do. Facebook (i.e., book of faces), LinkedIn (i.e., being linked into the network), and PostPops (i.e., popping your posts) didn’t. Their name said it all. We’ll help you find a name that speaks to your user and helps to encapsulates your message.

Brand Story

“Why” you exist, “what” your business does, and “how” is it different are the essence of your brand story. Investors, customers, and employees want to know it. They want to be engaged emotionally and mentally with your story, and they get bored of you (and your business) if they are not engaged. We help you tell an authentic story, touches on all the high notes, and bring your audience into your fold. 

Visual Branding

I prefer to go on a date and have an average meal in a great-looking restaurant rather than have a great meal in a dump of a restaurant. How about you? Visual branding counts. We have seen great ideas flop because they presented poorly. Our lead graphic designer has designed for Samsung, UN, Mercedes Benz, and a long list of early-stage companies. Getting to the right idea is a process, and it takes the right experience to get it right.

Let’s use the Nabavi Advisory logo as an example. The logo has the N and the A of Nabvi Advisory, the mountain peaks to represent we can conquer any challenge, the graph chat expressing revenue growth, the blue colour that speaks stability and creativity, and the font style that communicates simplicity, modernity, and elegance.  

Marketing Websites

Your website is the clothing you wear to the customer interview. How do you want to look? Best not to go in with a t-shirt and a pair of old jeans, unless you are applying to a rock band. We’ll make you look good, and we have a lot of creative ideas on how to do that.

Marketing & Sales Strategy

This is our most thought-about topic. We start thinking and baking growth strategies right into the product design. It is not an afterthought, like most other apps.; we design the product roadmap around the growth strategy. 

Marketing & Sales Program Management

We augment your business development and online marketing efforts with influencer, referral, and affiliate marketing programs.