Plan it

Market Assessment
Startup Canvas Collaboration
Business Model Exploration
Business Plan & Pitch Deck Development
Investor-Ready Assessment
CFO Services
SR&ED and Grant Applications
Investor Introductions

You have an idea that solves a problem that people want to buy, and investors want to invest in it. But, you really don’t know till you test the market and pitch your deck.

We’ll be sounding-board and will help you put in place inexpensive and fast ways to test the product-market-fit.

Then we’ll help you share your product and business stories in a way that customers and investors like to see.

Along the way, we’ll help you manage the rest of your business.

Market Assessment

It’s easy to get lost or swallowed if you don’t know your whereabouts in the market. We help you figure out how big of a problem or how painful of a problem you’ll be solving and how you stack against your competitors. 

Startup Canvas Collaboration

You’ll miss all the targets you can’t see. The startup canvas is similar to an agile strategic and operational plan. It gets the team thinking, talking and coordinated. We can help facilitate the process and be a sounding board if you need us.

Business Model Exploration

There is a new “P” in 4Ps of marketing – product, price, place, promotion, and now payment. The way you do business needs to consider the trade-offs between the 5Ps to optimize traction, revenue, profits, and userbase, for the short- and the long-term. We help you assess and test the right mix.  

Business Plan & Pitch Deck Development

A business plan and a pitch deck that doesn’t sell your vision to your investors, partners, and employees are not worth the clicks on the keyboard. As entrepreneurs and investors, we have a reasonably good sense of what works and what doesn’t. We help you identify the gaps and help you fix them.

Investor-Ready Assessment

Nobody wants the world’s best AAA steak served on top of a garbage lid in the back alley. You may or may not have the best steak but still need to present the meal in a way that your investors and lenders want to consume. We help you figure out what you need and present it in the best light possible.

CFO Services

Managing your financials isn’t rocket science, but it isn’t trivial either. Your investors, lenders, and government auditors (e.g., for SR&ED claims) will ask you for information, and if you don’t have your financials organized well, later on, it can drain your time and raise your costs with accountants and SR&ED consultants. We’ll work with your bookkeeper and accountant, will recommend one to you, or provide that services ourselves to make sure you are on top of your numbers.

SR&ED and Grant Applications

We, along with our SR&ED experts, will work with you to identify the SR&ED eligible components of your technological advancements, document them, and present them to your SR&ED lenders and the CRA. We have helped numerous companies to secure SR&ED financing, and the CRA has successfully funded 100% of the SR&ED claims that we worked on.

Investor Introductions

We choose the projects that we believe in, and our network of investors also like the projects that we choose. You should expect to receive equity financing, convertible-debt, or SAFE term-sheets from our network when working with us. Each term-sheet can be as small as $100K or as large as $1.5M. We have had several cases where our network agreed to support the entrepreneur’s entire R&D and a portion of their marketing cost.